Sunday, May 27

Club B.E.D

I got to check this out the next time I'm in our nation's capital.
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A True Hot Spot

A True Hot Spot
In the heart of South Beach at:
929 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach Florida, 33139

Voted as America's top nightspot (Discovery’s Travel Channel),
B.E.D. is an experience to savoir on a Wednesday night in the
ultra-hip SoBe area of Miami.
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Tuesday, May 15

Vibrations and Wakefulness

The following is an abstract that I found to very interesting:

Effects of short-term exposure to whole-body vibration on wakefulness level.

Ind Health 2007;45(2):217-23.
Department of Environmental Medicine, Kurume University School of Medicine
To investigate the relationships between whole-body vibration and changes in wakefulness, We measured the change of a subjective wakefulness level and electroencephalogram (EEG). Subjects are ten healthy male university students. The subjects were exposed to whole-body vibration with frequency (10 Hz) and acceleration level (0.6 ms(-2) r.m.s.) for 12 min in the seated position. Subjective wakefulness level was evaluated using the questionnaire of VASS (Visual Analog Sleepiness Scale) and KSS (The Kwansei Gakuin Sleepiness Scale). For the electroencephalogram (EEG) measurement, AAT (Alpha Attenuation Test) which repeats three times each opened and closed eye for 1 min was conducted. Wakefulness levels were defined as the ratio of mean alpha-wave power during eyes closed versus eyes opened. VASS and KSS increased and subjective level of wakefulness decreased from pre- to post exposure in all subjects, regardless of vibration exposure. The objective wakefulness levels of AAT were reduced at the post-exposure test in all subjects. In the case with exposure to whole-body vibration was a significant difference from the case without exposure to whole-body vibration. It is suggested that a short-term exposure to whole-body vibration may cause a reduction of wakefulness level.

You might be wondering "how does this apply to anything useful?" As a narcoleptic I am lulled to sleep in cars very easily, so I already suspected that vibrations were soporific. Now I'm certain of it. This experiment doesn't set out to answer that specific question but it definitely has implications on the vibrations we expose ourselves to daily.

Sunday, May 6

A fellow narcoleptic

I was able to relate to sofiarune, the YouTuber in the above video. It's a bit long winded but that comes with being sleepy. Conciseness is not a gift of mine neither.

Saturday, May 5

Sleep in Green Peace: Organic Mattresses

I'll let you know when I find some American versions.
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Abaca Organic Mattresses

by Warren McLaren, Sydney on 04.28.06

Previously we went on a bit of search for organic latex and came up short. Now we learn that a Welsh company, Abaca, is on a similar mission. Their metal free Ramsey mattress already has its chemical free, natural latex core wrapped in layers of organic Welsh wool, and contained within an organic cotton cover. As best as we can make out, they’ve had the the wool and cotton certified as organic by the UK’s Soil Association. But the certification for the latex is currently ongoing. Such diligence does not come cheap. Ramsey mattresses start at £600, or £490 for a pocket spring version (without the latex). Alternatively you could give your existing mattress some extra environmental comfort boost with a organic wool/cotton mattress pad, starting at £85. Buy Organics sell them online, with the retailer John Lewis due to carry them in store. ::Abaca via IC Wales

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Tuesday, May 1

Find of the Day

I love Found magazine. There website posts a find of the day and what do you know, look what they found. The funny thing about it is the possibility that this person may not know that this photo exists since he was asleep when it was taken.

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How alert are you?

This is a must for narcoleptics because of our sensitivity to sleepiness. When I found this list I realized that everyone else can benefit from being aware of their level of alertness. This is one of the 9 ways the Ririan Project presents as keys to improving personal productivity.
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4. Know yourself.

Your prime time is the time during which you are most energetic and efficient. We all function on different ‘biological clocks.’ Some people feel most energetic and do their best work early in the morning. Others wake up and get moving very slowly, with top efficiency in the late afternoon. So you need to determine if you’re an early bird or a night owl, and schedule your projects accordingly. Work on your most important projects and tasks during the time of day when you feel most energetic and awake.

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